Kentucky’s Attorney General issued OAG 21-14 on the issue of military leave pay for employees on days they are not scheduled to work.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hold a hearing January 7 on the OSHA ETS vaccine and/or test requirement.
A federal OSHA emergency temporary standard regarding COVID vaccinations and testing impacts employers with 100 or more employees, including cities.
The Kentucky Balance of State Continuum of Care (KY BoS CoC) will conduct the annual K-Count of people experiencing literal homelessness on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.
Current and potential elected city officials need to understand recently passed changes to the filing deadlines to ensure they make the ballot.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury non-entitlement units of local government a new guide for using the reporting portal for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) opened a Business Recovery Center (BRC) in Benton to help storm victims submit disaster loan applications.
Cities received a paper copy of the 2022 Wage and Salary Survey of Kentucky Cities, but a PDF and Microsoft Excel version can also be completed electronically.
Kentucky League of Cities partnered with Eastern Kentucky University to assist member officials and employees in enhancing their skill sets and pursuing educational goals.
The Kentucky Department of Labor released an updated Kentucky Safety and Health on the Job poster in September which must be prominently displayed in the workplace.
Congratulations to the Lyndon on achieving the KLC Certified City of Ethics status.
The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling upholding its November 4, 2021, suspension of the OSHA ETS regarding vaccine and/or testing requirements.
A federal court temporarily stayed an OSHA emergency temporary standard that required employers with more than 100 employees to implement a vaccine or testing mandate.
A settlement by the attorney general provides cities funds to address opioid treatment and prevention. KLC will hold an informational session on accessing the funds on Nov 16.
Employees who have frequent contact with the public and contract COVID-19 are no longer presumed eligible for workers’ compensation benefits for occupational exposure to COVID