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Attorney General Releases Updated Open Records Information

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron filed emergency administrative regulations in June that adopt a standardized open request form for use by public agencies.

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Get to Know Our KLC Cornerstone Partners

KLC Cornerstone Partners are city-friendly companies that support programs for our members.

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New Attorney General Guidance on Open Records/Open Meetings

The Kentucky Office of the Attorney General released new guidance that public agencies should operate as if provisions of Senate Bill 150 (2020) expire on June 28, 2021.

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Cities Offered Free Web-based Development Tool

A new project is making the web-based business retention platform Bludot available, free of charge, to Kentucky cities.

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Congress Adds Juneteenth as Federal Holiday

The federal government made June 19, “Juneteenth,” a federal holiday. Cities can designate their own holidays within their personnel policies.

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KLC’s New Community & Economic Development

KLC is the state leader in economic development for cities.

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Kentuckians Have Saved More than $100 Million with the KY Rx Card

This KLC Partner program is an easy way for cities to assist citizens with prescription costs.

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Get Required Workplace Posters at No Charge

Kentucky statutes and federal regulations require that certain posters or notices be posted in a conspicuous area in the workplace.

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Paris City Clerk Stephanie Settles 2021 KMCA Clerk of the Year

The Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association (KMCA) named Paris City Clerk Stephanie Settles the 2021 Clerk of the Year.

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West Liberty - New KLC Certified City of Ethics

Congratulations to the City of West Liberty on achieving the KLC Certified City of Ethics status.

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Changes to Adoption Leave Law

Kentucky employers should prepare for possible changes to their personnel policies regarding adoption leave to ensure adoptive parents receive their entitled leave.

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City Legal Deadlines

A Guide from the KLC Municipal Law Department

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COVID-19 Tax Credits May Be Available

The IRS updated its guidance last week, which indicates that many state and local governmental bodies such as municipalities, may now be eligible to claim a tax credit.

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American Rescue Plan Update

The U.S. Department of the Treasury released information about the requirements for cities to receive their American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

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KLC Partnership with Murray State University

KLC Launches Economic Development Initiative Partnership with Murray State University

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KLC Member Resource: Understanding Homelessness

KLC has created a new long-term initiative to help cities examine homelessness and affordable housing.

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