Partner With Us

For businesses that want to capture the municipal market, KLC is the one source. Our primary audience is our number one selling point to businesses because KLC is Kentucky’s most valuable, trusted resource for more than 20,000 city officials and employees and more than $2.5 billion in annual purchasing power in Kentucky’s 400-plus cities. And, KLC is the only organization dedicated to serving cities. Businesses that want to reach municipal customers need to reach our members!

Co-brand programs, products, or services  

KLC is interested in providing programs and services that benefit our members and our association.

With KLC partnerships, our business connection opportunities allow you to define your municipal market goals. You determine your connection: Sponsorship, Cornerstone Partner, Affiliate Partner, Advertising, or Exhibit Opportunities. We will help you deliver results and meet your goals. 

Cities are the economic engines of Kentucky, and we value opportunities to partner with businesses that share our goal of providing cities with quality products and services. We continue to create beneficial ways for our partners to reach the municipal market and bring value to our cities.

Cornerstone Partners

KLC Cornerstone Partner Program - This program is the foundation of a consistent, multifaceted connection to cities with yearlong opportunities.

City EDvantage Sessions - The City EDvantage Sessions were created to give city officials and employees information on critical topics in a highly focused format. Sponsored by KLC Cornerstone Partners, each session will focus on a different topic that cities face each day. Be inspired by the ideas and recourses available to Kentucky cities.

Advertising - Advertise in Kentucky City, KLC’s official magazine.

Affiliate Partners

As a KLC Affiliate Partner, you will elevate your connection to cities across Kentucky. KLC’s networking opportunities will give you a platform to meet newly elected officials, plus re-engage with city leaders and decision-makers. Respected partnerships help you create a more visible reflection of your programs and services to other potential prospects. 

KLC is the only organization dedicated to serving cities. If you want municipal partnerships, you need to reach out to our members through the KLC Affiliate Partnership program.

Learn more about the Affiliate Partner Program.


Exhibiting at KLC training events puts businesses face-to-face with municipal decision-makers, customers, and prospects. 

KLC is the primary source of education and training for city officials in Kentucky. Corporate support as an exhibitor helps to make it possible. Feedback tells us that members consider KLC events one of the best places to find resources and vendors.     

KLC also has one-on-one staff assistance to make the exhibitor experience the best possible and to ensure that businesses meet their goals.  Watch for information about upcoming exhibit opportunities. 


Sponsorships are another way to help businesses reach municipal decision-makers.

Help sponsor KLC events, awards, publications, and more. Businesses participating as KLC sponsors receive face-to-face exposure among the most influential leaders at events in Kentucky, help provide important tools, and make member recognition programs possible. 

KLC sponsorships allow businesses to help host events for hundreds of people, whether it be events or training for safety directors, attorneys, law enforcement professionals, or other specific municipal groups and decision-makers.

There are also options to help underwrite KLC publications and reports.

In addition, KLC awards and sponsorships give businesses the chance to help recognize cities, city officials, and city employees for the great work they do in our communities. KLC's annual awards program is the only one of its kind in Kentucky, dedicated to acknowledging the unsung heroes and hardworking people in our cities!

Beyond these options, we want to hear from businesses on sponsorship ideas.

Requests For Proposals

Currently there are no Request For Proposals to display.