As the holidays approach, learning to “take what comes” is a valuable skill for work and life. Participants in this session will discuss how to stop overthinking things and accept what you can’t control. Discussions will also include learning to look out for your mental health and well-being as a critical aspect of daily life. Finally, participants will discuss the benefits of a good attitude, laughter, and having friends at work as intentional and important ways to enjoy work and be good to yourself.
The facilitator will be Janelle McNeal, Ph.D., of True North Counseling & Development. Dr. McNeal specializes in helping high-achieving entrepreneurial and professional women successfully navigate this issue and other topics in the KLC Women’s Lunchtime Series. You will leave with new tools and the support and solidarity of your KLC and city official colleagues.
Credit: Participants receive one hour of KLC City Officials Training Center (COTC) credit and/or House Bill 119 credit.
Participant: $25
More info coming soon!