All Articles - City Limit News

Governor Signs Bill and Helps Ship Bourbon

The Kentucky League of Cities joined dozens of other supporters and legislators Friday morning for the ceremonial signing of House Bill 400. The KLC-supported bill allows distilleries, small-farm wineries and retail package license holders to ship limited quantities of product directly to consumers.

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Judge in Pension Lawsuit Case Asked to Step Down

Governor Bevin's general counsel had a letter delivered to Franklin Circuit Court Judge Phillip Shepherd on Wednesday that asked the judge to recuse himself from hearing the lawsuit filed against the governor and legislative leadership over the new pension law. The judge denied the request.

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2018 Legislative Update

The 2018 Regular Session of the General Assembly resulted in several new laws that will impact cities. You can access a comprehensive rundown here.

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Task Force Releases Report on Getting More Kentuckians Employed

Kentucky’s Work Matters Task Force released its recommendations for how the state can help people in at-risk groups find employment.

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Judge Denies Request For Depositions in Pension Lawsuit

Governor Matt Bevin and others named in a lawsuit over the pension reform law were denied a request after a Monday morning court hearing. The judge says the defendants cannot depose the three agencies that filed the lawsuit.

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New CERS Investment Strategy Unveiled Despite Booming Returns

The Kentucky Retirement Systems Investment Committee and its consultants talked Tuesday about taking a “safer” approach to investments, including those made for CERS. That decision came as new data was revealed that shows CERS continues to hit benchmarks and outperform the assumed rate of return.

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Judge Rules Attorney General Can Remain on Pension Lawsuit

Lawyers for Governor Matt Bevin argued in court Wednesday morning that Attorney General Andy Beshear was violating Rules of Professional Conduct by suing over Senate Bill 151, the pension reform bill. The judge ruled that was not the case and continued his vow to expedite the case.

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Speaker Pro Tem Wants Investigation into KentuckyWired

House Speaker Pro Tem David Osborne filed a resolution calling for a bipartisan committee to investigate the costs and delays of KentuckyWired. The project was supposed to be up and running by this year, providing high speed internet to every county in the state.

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KRS Actuary Sets CERS Rates for Phase-In

The actuary for the Kentucky Retirement Systems has provided new Fiscal Year 2019 rates for County Employees Retirement System employers. The change accounts for the phase-in provided by House Bill 362.

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