December 12, 2023

2024 Employee Recognition Calendar

The Kentucky League of Cities created a calendar of city-related recognition days, weeks, and months. The calendar can help city officials and supervisors take simple steps to recognize municipal employees, acknowledge diversity, and highlight public safety and health issues.

Simple ways to use the information:

  • Mention or recognize employees at department or city meetings to acknowledge their professional day, week, or month.
  • Create a proclamation recognizing employees.
  • Thank departments and employees on social media.
  • Write personal notes to departmental employees during their special day, week, or month.
  • Talk with local media about what city employees do for the community during these days, weeks, or months.
  • Have an employee "day in the life" video feature on social media.
  • Highlight long-term and/or new employees in media/social media.
  • Thank employees personally with a note, card, visit, or call.
  • Recognize employees/departments on digital or other types of signage at city hall.
  • Acknowledge special diversity, health, and safety recognitions.

For specific resources, Google the day, week, or month.

Download the 2024 calendar.